Sunday, September 26, 2010


The Story of The Kitty and The Catapult.

There once was kitty named Bartholomew. Bartholomew lived in a big house with lots of other cats. One day, one of the older kitties came home from the market shouting "there's a giant catapult in the market!"

All the other little kitties were asking mama cat if they could go see the catapult, but Bartholomew wanted to see it most of all. When the mama cat was not paying attention, Bartholomew ran away to the
market. He searched and searched for the catapult, until he finally found it. He wanted to get into the catapult just see what it was like. When he did, someone came up to it and put a rock in it. The kitty was meowing as loud as it could but it was not loud enough! Once the catapult was ready Bartholomew was launched and the poor little kitty flew all the way to the sea.

The End.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

my brother duncan.

I decided to write about my little brother, Duncan. He has blue eyes, somewhat long hair, and is the size of a normal eight year old little boy. His personality is pretty much like a rabid chipmunk except he is not completely a chipmunk. He likes to do a lot of things. Some of his favorites are: bugging me and my sisters, playing video games, singing, acting, dancing, building legos, and watching TV. He is really funny and likes to talk a lot. I used to share a room with him but I don't miss that. He loves his gray and orange cat, Yoda. He is my favorite brother but he's also my only brother.
                                    Here he is with his best friend Sam, before he cut his hair.



Here he is doing, well i don't know what he's doing.

Here he is playing my dad's guitar.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

How to play a simple 4/4 beat on a drum kit.

 This post is to explain how to play a simple drum beat. The most common beat is a four by four beat. A 4/4 beat is four beats per measure. On a basic drum notation  there are three symbols that represent three basic types of drums. The kick drum is the one you press down on with your foot. It is a low, solid thud. The snare drum is the one that sits right in front of you, and you hit it with your left hand. The snare drum sounds like a higher sound with a loud pop. The high hat is the cymbal on your left that you hit with your right hand. The high hat has a high, brassy sound.

  The way that you play a basic beat is to hit the high hat every beat, so four times in a measure. The kick drum you would usually hit on beat one, and the snare drum you usually hit on beat three. There are a lot of other beats and combinations that are possible.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We were looking for a part time school so that my mom could work more. My mom was talking to a friend of hers who told her about Brighton. We were very excited because it is two days a week and close to our house.  I was happy that I already knew some people before I started school. I think I like it so far, but I don't have anything to compare it to.  I'm looking forward to meeting new friends.

Monday, September 6, 2010

summer vacation

This summer I went to Cornerstone Festival 2010. Cornerstone is a music festival that lasts the first week of July. The road trip with my family and best friends was very fun.  You camp in tents and then walk around all day watching concerts and hitch hiking on golf carts. There were lots of bands some of my favorites were; mewithoutyou,  Queens Club,  Campbell The Band,  Men as Trees Walking, The Devil Wears Prada,  Eisley, Bradley Hathaway,  Living Sacrifice and the Almost. 

This our hut that we made for shade.

This is a picture of my two friends that met a guy who wanted them to play a show with him.

Once it ended I went to Youthfront camp west for a week. Youthfront is a christian camp with lots of stuff to do like, watersliding, swimming in the pool and lots of other games.

Once that ended I did not do much more with my summer other than hanging out with friends and skating.