Sunday, September 26, 2010


The Story of The Kitty and The Catapult.

There once was kitty named Bartholomew. Bartholomew lived in a big house with lots of other cats. One day, one of the older kitties came home from the market shouting "there's a giant catapult in the market!"

All the other little kitties were asking mama cat if they could go see the catapult, but Bartholomew wanted to see it most of all. When the mama cat was not paying attention, Bartholomew ran away to the
market. He searched and searched for the catapult, until he finally found it. He wanted to get into the catapult just see what it was like. When he did, someone came up to it and put a rock in it. The kitty was meowing as loud as it could but it was not loud enough! Once the catapult was ready Bartholomew was launched and the poor little kitty flew all the way to the sea.

The End.

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