Sunday, September 19, 2010

my brother duncan.

I decided to write about my little brother, Duncan. He has blue eyes, somewhat long hair, and is the size of a normal eight year old little boy. His personality is pretty much like a rabid chipmunk except he is not completely a chipmunk. He likes to do a lot of things. Some of his favorites are: bugging me and my sisters, playing video games, singing, acting, dancing, building legos, and watching TV. He is really funny and likes to talk a lot. I used to share a room with him but I don't miss that. He loves his gray and orange cat, Yoda. He is my favorite brother but he's also my only brother.
                                    Here he is with his best friend Sam, before he cut his hair.



Here he is doing, well i don't know what he's doing.

Here he is playing my dad's guitar.


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